Strong Faith Bible Church
Ministry of Helps

In order to receive the vision of Strong Faith Bible Church, Inc., you must first understand what vision means. According to Strong’s Concordance, vision means “a dream, a revelation.”
Our Pastor was given the vision of Strong Faith Bible Church, Inc. You have been called to assist the Pastor in fulfilling this vision.
The vision of Strong Faith Bible Church, Inc. is an insight into God’s divine purpose and will for people whom He has chosen and called to fulfill it.
You have been called, chosen, and placed into this fellowship of believers to fulfill this revelation from God.
The vision of Strong Faith Bible Church, Inc. is to teach and explain the Word of God in such a way that it will be so clear, we will understand it. Thus, as we apply the Word of God to our everyday lives in a practical and effective manner, it will make such a different in our lives; it will cause change and Restoration For The Entire Family.
Thereby; being transformed into a “Wholesome Family Structure” with God as its Head. Psalm 89:19,
...The Lord speaks in visions… Proverbs 29:18, Where there is no vision, the people perish.
Note: Thank God for a pastor and church that has a God-given vision.
The ministry of helps is a specific, scriptural ministry (1 Cor. 12:28). We at Strong Faith Bible Church have a good scriptural understanding of the role of the help’s ministry.
To help another person who is in the fivefold ministry is a valid ministry in its own right. Many people are called of God to help the pastor accomplish the vision God has given him. This is the ministry of helps in action.
In First Corinthians 12:4-28, Paul discusses the importance of every member of the Body of Christ.
Each member of the Body of Christ is important. This scripture reveals the importance of every believer taking his or her place in the Body of Christ and working together with the other members of the Body.
God's plan for ministry is so broad that it requires the entire Body of Christ to perform it. Working together in every capacity is the ultimate goal of SFBC Helps Ministry.
We welcome all members and believers to get involved. Where can you help?
• Prayer Ministry
• Men’s Ministry
• Women’s Ministry
• Children’s Ministry
• Single’s Ministry
• Pastoral Care Ministry
• Bookstore Ministry
•Hospitality Ministry