Many years ago, God spoke to Larry Elder to start Larry Elder Ministries, a ministry designed to help believers understand the need to disconnect from this world’s system and teach them how to connect to God’s Kingdom by learning to Pay Attention to Words and apply God’s Word to their everyday lives.
Our mission is to equip God’s people to go from milk to meat, to help believers recognize and fulfill their divine call in Christ, and to help build God’s Kingdom until it reaches the fullness of Christ (Hebrews 5:11-14). Apart from focusing on the church’s core messages which include faith, prosperity, and signs and wonders, LEM focuses on motivating the saints of God toward spiritual stewardship, victorious Christian living, and developing an intimate relationship with God.
By partnering with Larry Elder Ministries and allowing us to sow God’s anointed Word into your life, the same anointing that has come to rest on this ministry will come on you for boldness to witness, victorious overcoming faith, prosperity, promotion on your job, the salvation of loved ones, supernatural favor, and divine healing. These benefits belong to the sons of God. The scripture states in Ephesians 5:1 (AMP) that we are imitators of God as well-beloved children. God wants His people to take dominion on the earth the same way He has dominion in heaven. He even states for us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). God has such a loving desire for our well-being that He sent His son Jesus to the earth to restore our rights to dominate (rule, reign, exercise authority, and stewardship).
Thank you for your partnership with Larry Elder Ministries,
Larry and Helen