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Pastor Renee Haskin





I have been an active member of Strong Faith Bible Church since 2002. I was invited to attend their Sunday morning worship service, and I’ve been here ever since. The message that was preached that Sunday morning really changed my heart toward God.


After becoming a member, I started assisting in the ushering department and helping with church events. I told many others how God had changed my life and invited them to become a part of this anointed ministry. I also met my loving Husband Pastor Leo Haskin in this ministry.


We’ve been married for 18 years. We have two beautiful daughters and one grandson.


Through the teaching ministries of Apostle Larry and Prophet Helen, I have learned many life-changing skills. I thank God for my spiritual parents. Without them, I would not be the Woman of God I am today.

I’ve also served as Youth Pastor, praise and worship leader, and Women of the Word conference speaker. One of the messages I taught at the Women’s conference was titled, “No Word, No Life,” a word that I still use today to help me stay focused.


My desire is to continue leading people to the Lord, helping them mature in spiritual things, develop a working knowledge of God’s love, and have a greater understanding that God’s Word will never change. Without the Word, there is no life, without the Word we can do nothing!

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