Unforgiveness Is A Sin, Just Ask God To Forgive You
Pray, “Father, first of all, I thank you that you showed me that this attitude was in my heart. I thank You, Father, that you love me and you showed me this. Father, I ask You to forgive So-and-so for what he did and said and for how he acted, and for all the others who have been involved in this situation.
I ask in faith, out of the love of my heart, and with all the sincerity of my heart. I ask You, Father, to forgive them and, Father, I forgive them. I forgive all those words they said that hurt me. I forgive them, I ask you to forgive them, and together we let that go from their case.
And Father, I ask you to forgive me. I came into this and I thought negatively about it. I have been angry about it, and I have spoken angry words. I’ve harbored bitterness in my heart toward this, and I don’t want it to go any farther. I don’t want a root of bitterness to be in me.
Father, I ask you to forgive me. I know that I’ve said things in a wrong spirit and a wrong attitude about this person and about these people and, Father, I ask you to forgive me. I call it sin. I have sinned against you and against them. I confess it, and I thank You that when I confess my sin, you are faithful and just to forgive me and to restore me. I thank You, Father, for the purity and the cleansing of the Holy Spirit over my heart and mind and this relationship.”
Choose To Let The Rejection, Feelings, And Hurt Go When You Pray
Pray, “Father, I also ask you and I thank you that you have healed me right now of those words and the hurt. I don’t want to come to you with self-pity, pride, or hardness toward you or anyone.
Father, I ask you to touch my heart. As an act of my will, I choose not to be hurt. I release the hurt, the rejection, and the emotion in this relationship. Father, I bless those who curse me.
Thank you, Father, for your power in my heart and mind that takes away hurt, rejection, and bad feelings. I receive your power now. I have it now, and I thank you for it in Jesus’ Name. The feelings, the hurt, the emotion is touched right now by the Holy Spirit. I thank you for it. I receive it in Jesus’ Name. I refuse to accept hurt, anger, isolation, frustration, or rejection.
Thank you, Father, for the freedom and the flow of the Holy Spirit touching my heart and mind right now. I take it by faith, and I’m healed in my heart, my mind, and my soul. I look to you, Holy Spirit, as my Comforter.”
Forgiving Does Involve Forgetting - Pray In The Spirit If You Want To, And Then Say,
“Father, now that I’ve prayed about this, I leave it here in your presence. I choose not to remember it. Holy Spirit, help me not to remember this. I leave it in your presence. It is finished. It is done. I forget it because of the blood; because of love, in Jesus’ Name.
Holy Spirit, help me to walk this out. Help me, Father, because I still have to deal with these people; but now I can deal in purity and love, and I don’t have to deal out of hurt, bitterness, unforgiveness, or hardness. I can walk in your wisdom, purity, and love and walk through this relationship victoriously, with your power.
I thank you, Father, for your help in this relationship. In Jesus’ Name, I will keep my heart right. Thank you, Father, that now I can walk in forgiveness. Let forgiveness flow from my life. I thank you for it.
Satan, I rebuke you and your hold on my life. You can’t bind me in this situation, in Jesus’ Name. I break the power of all rejection and every evil force released against me, in Jesus’ Name. Thank you, Father, for victory. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”